Viktor in TFT Set 13 - Details and Recommended Items

Recommended optimal items for Viktor in TFT Set 13, tailored to the champion's role and abilities for maximum effectiveness.


  • Machine Herald
    Machine Herald
Health 1600
Attack Speed 0.6
Attack Range
Armor 40
Magic Resist 40
2.79 Avg. place
81.77% Top 4 rate
30.79% Win rate


Chaos Storm
Passive: Attacks are replaced with a Death Ray that deals [ 50 / 180 / 2000 ] () magic damage and [ 25 / 90 / 1000 ] true damage in a 2-hex line. Enemies hit are 30% Sundered and Shredded for 5 seconds.

Active: Summon a chaos storm that engulfs the battlefield, knocking up ALL enemies into the air for [ 2 / 3 / 30 ] seconds. At the end of the duration, slam them to the ground, dealing [ 100 / 300 / 9999 ] () plus [ 8 / 20 / 100 ]% of their max Health as magic damage.

Sunder: Reduce Armor, Shred: Reduce Magic Resist


Machine Herald Machine Herald Origin
Viktor has a fixed Attack Speed of 0.550000011920929 attacks per second and converts ALL bonus Attack Damage, Attack Speed, and Mana into Ability Power.