Sevika in TFT Set 13 - Details and Recommended Items

Recommended optimal items for Sevika in TFT Set 13, tailored to the champion's role and abilities for maximum effectiveness.


  • High Roller
    High Roller
  • Chem-Baron
  • Pit Fighter
    Pit Fighter
Health 1200
Attack Speed 0.9
Attack Range
Armor 60
Magic Resist 60
3.80 Avg. place
62.16% Top 4 rate
23.26% Win rate


Beat the Odds
Randomly cast 1 of 3 spells, with a chance of a Jackpot!

Flamethrower: Deal [ 212 / 308 / 2720 ]() true damage to target every second until death. Enemies in a cone around them take 50% less as physical damage.

Extendo-Punch: Deal [ 636 / 924 / 8160 ]() physical damage to target and knock them away. Then, dash to them and deal [ 276 / 400 / 3536 ]() physical damage in a 1 hex radius around them.

Chomp: Deal [ 678 / 986 / 8704 ]() physical damage to target. If they are left with less than 15% Health, execute them and cast again on the lowest Health target within 2 hexes, dealing 80% damage.

Recommend Items

Items Avg. place Top 4 rate Win rate
Bloodthirster Bloodthirster 3.44 68.84% 26.10%
Titan's Resolve Titan's Resolve 3.44 68.93% 25.78%
Sterak's Gage Sterak's Gage 3.19 73.66% 27.98%
Hand Of Justice Hand Of Justice 3.43 69.39% 25.71%
Edge of Night Edge of Night 3.12 75.14% 29.54%


High Roller High Roller Origin
When casting, Sevika rolls a random Jinx modification to her Ability and gains 80% Durability for 1.5 seconds.

-Rocket: Launch 8 rockets that deal 100 physical damage each
-Shield: Gain 500 Shield for 4 seconds
-Coin: Gain 3 gold
Chem-Baron Chem-Baron Origin
Gain Shimmer after each player combat. If your loss streak is at least 3, gain more.

At each stack of 100 Shimmer, the Black Market offers you contraband that only Chem-Barons can use. Chem-Barons gain max Health for each Black Market you pass on.
  • 3 15 or 35; 20 
  • 4 20 or 45; 60 
  • 5 20 or 55; 110 
  • 6 25 or 70; 160 
  • 7 30 or 100; 220 
Renata Glasc
Pit Fighter Pit Fighter Class
Pit Fighters gain 15% Omnivamp and deal bonus true damage. Once per combat at 50% Health, they heal a percentage of their max Health over 2 seconds.
  • 2 6% true damage, 10% 
  • 4 12% true damage, 25% 
  • 6 20% true damage, 40% 
  • 8 40% true damage, 80% 